Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I made  a extinguisher app that turns on sprinklers and sets off fire alarms, I made a fast food app where you can order food from the app, I made an unlock app that unlocks your house door, I made a taxi app that calls a taxi from the app.

Thursday, September 6, 2012



Wednesday, September 5, 2012


not done. don't be mad. ps. didn't know how to add my picture so pretend

Auto Shop




Identity Standards

2012 Edition





It’s important as a company to have your own logo and use the same colors and font because it shows that that’s for your company and that your company is original.  If people see your logo they will know exactly what it’s for if you use the same one every time.  It’s also important to keep the same colors and font so that people will know whenever they see that logo in those colors and font what it’s for.


About our logo

          Our logo is and AS that stands for Auto Shop.  It is in Forte font and black.  We also have a little picture of a car getting washed along with our logo.  We keep the same font and the same color to represent the company and to not confuse people.  We keep our logo very simple and plain but original.